Getting a massage can be a wonderful reward for… anything. Long day at work? Need to recover from a weekend of partying? Laid off? New crush? Cooked dinner today? Yep, I'm thinking massage. It's a wonderful way to treat yourself if that's what you're into. Of course, some folks don't like to be touched. I get it. I used to be too ticklish for massages. I would giggle and then the masseuse would stop. But then I grew up and my bones became truly weary and I was able to muscle through the ticklishness. I still squirm when they exfoliate my feet at the nail salon, but I'm only human.
But nothing beats the feeling of getting into a knot in your back-- it hurts the good hurt. These memes are the humor equivalent of a massage. They find your funny bone and they work it for what it's worth.