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If Dungeons and Dragons were real, which class would you want to be in?
Would you like to be a Druid, a Monk, a Sorcerer? And most importantly, why did you choose that specific class? Well, it just got real in this DnD Reddit thread, because people answered those exact questions, and provided their reasoning for the class they chose. Personally, I'd like to be a Druid. Being a nature-focused spellcaster with abilities like shapeshifting would be super helpful. Having better survival skills than I have in real life would be pretty cool. And I would love to manipulate the environment… Me and the wilderness go hand in hand. So, what do you think? Which class is the best? Scroll down to read the interesting replies, and then when you're finished, check out these Dungeons and Dragons memes for guarded gamers running a tavern (or two). Enjoy the rest of your magical day while you're at it.