Trying to keep up with an increasing workload on an understaffed team is a lot like trying to drive a car that only has three wheels. It's difficult to keep things moving forward without veering off course; things operate extremely inefficiently, and there's probably a lot of noise and scraping going on.
Of course, managing these situations is no easy task—not impossible for a talented manager, but only through a great deal of effort. For this reason, managers who manage to protect their already overworked teams from an organization that's trying to increase their workload earn themselves a great deal of respect from their subordinates. Still, despite being high-performing managers, these team leaders can often draw the ire of upper management, who regard the respect the manager has earned from their team as a liability. So, despite the fact that they're the ones keeping everything from falling to pieces, it's not uncommon to see these managers getting pushed out of organizations by these misguided upper managers.
This worker shared their experience of watching their supervisor being pushed out of their already understaffed team for literally no reason, leaving the already struggling workers with even less support than they already had. They shared their experience with this popular online community, telling of their experience and how things played out.
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