It doesn't get much worse than having to discipline unsupervised children when that is so beyond your job description. Sure, kids are known to run amok in venues like movie theaters and malls, but that does not mean that it is the responsibility of the people who work at those establishments to take care of them. If your kids are known to be unruly in public, you should probably be the one to watch them. Furthermore, when they get in trouble as they did here, you better go pick them up.
Here, we have a Karen who refused to pick up her kids after the manager of the movie theater was forced to kick the kids out due to their disruptive behavior. Hours had passed and the Karen still had not responded. The kids ended up walking home after dark, which led the Karen to come marching into the theater the next day demanding answers, as if she was not partially responsible for their need to walk home.
Keep scrolling below for the full story and for the best reactions from folks in the comments section. For more content like this, take a look at this tale of a loud theater patron.
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