We're giving "funemployment" a whole new MEMEing! Hahaha Yeah…. Anyways, do people still use LinkedIn?
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Sometimes the weight of having to not only function but survive AND thrive in a capitalistic society becomes too much and it shows. When this happens, you tend to let your work slide. What's the point of it all? Why does it matter if you turn that data report in on time just to make less green pieces of paper with a made-up value than your boss? When you start to embrace that mentality, you usually end up getting fired… Unfortunately, to stay afloat in this society, you have to jump right back into the working machine. But before you do that, enjoy your short amount of time being free. Sure, you'll be weighted by the worry of how you'll pay your bills, but those first few days should be for you! Then you can work on getting your “career” back together. In the meantime, let us help give your funemployment a whole new MEMEing!
Here are some more memes for you to enjoy during your time off!
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