There's one thing we all learned the hard way in elementary school: When you gotta go, you gotta go! The schooling system always taught kids to ask permission to use the restroom or to plan their drinking schedule according to the times they were free to relieve themselves, but all that ever taught anybody was to be stressed about drinking a healthy amount of water or justifying anarchy to break free of bathroom break restraints.
When we all graduated high school, we thought that that would be the end to the restroom tyranny, but for the gas station employee in this next story, the obsession with bathroom breaks followed them into the working world.
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After drinking multiple Big Gulp cups of water and having your morning coffee, any employee will be tempted to cash in on one of their 10-minute breaks of the day. For u/Distinct-Clothes-592, they learned quickly at their convenience store job that taking a bathroom break wasn't as simple as answering a call from nature.
In fact, their boss had been monitoring their bathroom breaks (creep?) and decided that they needed to provide a doctor's note for whatever ailment caused them to use the restroom 1-4 times during an 8-hour shift. Hmm, is there a professional way to tell your boss to buzz off and let you live a hydrated existence?
Scroll onward to read how this employee handled a nosy, nitpicking boss who tried to get them to disclose their restroom habits.
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