It's remarkable the lengths this grandpa went to avoid having to eat green beans. The fact that his distaste for the vegetable became one of the defining characteristics of his personality well beyond his lifespan is also kind of iconic. I could only dream that the future generations of my family will be talking about my disgust for feta cheese.
When you consider the personality traits of the people within your family both living and dead, you might begin by listing out their passions and interests, their likes, and their guilty pleasures. But the truth of the matter is that someone's dislikes and unpopular "hot takes" are almost equally as memorable. As the grandchild who shared this Reddit thread recounted, that is not necessarily a bad thing. Remembering someone's passion for not liking something can conjure their memory and voice in an oddly humorous and wholesome way. As the original poster would tell you, discovering and remembering their grandfather's dislike of green beans ended up bringing a lot of warmth to their family, in addition to a lot of jars of hidden green beans.
Keep scrolling below for the full tale. When you're done, take a look at this post about a server who was fired over a hash browns order.
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