A wise woman once said, "Expectations are premeditated resentments." And boy is that true. You spend so much time dreaming up how something can go, that before it even it comes to pass you're already mad about it. I'm definitely guilty of this, which is why I've set up some fail safes in my life to prevent myself from getting too bummed out.
2 cardinal rules I hold: I rarely ever look at a restaurant's menu beforehand, and I never read reviews of movies, TV shows, or plays before I see them. I like being taken completely by surprise, and that way I'm not disappointed when things invariably turn out differently than I expected. If you don't know what you're in for, then you're going to accept it for exactly what it is. This can (and should) be applied to other areas of one's life outside of food & entertainment. These memes are one of them. (Okay I know there's an expectation in the headline, but try to go in fresh.)