Many people find themselves rarely in need of using their credit cards anymore. With a digital wallet or a smartwatch, you can tap to pay pretty much anywhere you go. The need for a physical wallet with actual credit cards is basically non-existent.
But still, some places will not accept payment without a physical credit card, and you do not want to get stuck being unable to pay them. Like hotels, apparently. This Reddit story can teach you a lesson or two about always taking a credit card with you, especially on holiday. So OP works as a front desk clerk at a hotel, and sometime in the middle of the night a guest comes in and wants to book a room. The guest offered to pay with his phone or with cash but was told that the hotel only accepts credit cards, and they have to be under his name. The guest claimed he did not have his wallet on him, but would not give up, which led to quite a dispute…
Scroll down to read the full tale, there is a lot more drama that I can summarise here… Once you are done with this story, click here to read a story of an entitled neighbor who tried to claim ownership of the parking spots in the street.
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