Hey there, Bengal cat enthusiasts! Today a very important question arose. Is there such a thing as a cat that is… too derpy? Purrhaps they are a little bit funny in the head? One Bengal cat owner was actually concerned their cat may be a little bit slow for a cat. They began listing off all the things that they noticed about their fluffy feline, and as we continued to read, we began to laugh. Our own purrsonal diagnosis is that there is nothing wrong with this sweet kitty, but you may have to read for yourselves to see if you agree. After the question was posted (along with examples of fluffy feline behavior), the internet reacted with silly comments, with a lot of cat owners chiming in about how their cats too, act funny. Scroll down and read them, and then check out these hissterical cat memes that will help you pspsps your way through the work week.
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