- 01
"Sad Max"
- 02
“The Hanger Games”
- 03
"The Lizard of Oz"
- 04
“Deer John”
- 05
"Mortal Wombat"
- 06
“Snapes on a Plane”
- 07
"Indiana Bones"
- 08
“Finding Emo”
- 09
"The Sword in the Stove"
- 10
“Pilates of the Caribbean”
- 11
"The fat and furious"
- 12
“Lord of the Bings”
- 13
- 14
“Toyz N the Hood”
- 15
“28 Days Late”
- 16
“Lord of the Wings”
- 17
“Jurassic Pork”
- 18
“Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Scone”
- 19
“Life of Po”
- 20