Did you know that Star Trek: The Next Generation released its iconic time-loop episode only a year before Groundhog Day came out? It can be easy to look at any movie or TV about somebody living the same day over and over again and compare it to the 1993 film about February 2nd, but Star Trek did it first and, dare I say, better. The episode Cause and Effect was written with the intention of having a time travel episode without using the flimsy narrative device of having multiple timelines that must be rectified. Instead, the episode begins with the crew playing poker, a simple choice that helps them discover that they're in a time loop. It's also notable in that it features Kelsey Grammer as the captain of the USS Boseman, the vessel the Enterprise collides with that remained stuck in a time loop for 90 years. If you like time travel stories that have nothing to do with rodents, these Star Trek memes might put your mind at ease.