It's the second month in January and if nobody has told you that you are doing a great job parenting yet, let us be the first. You are doing a great job! To all moms, dads, and legal guardians out there, we know it's not easy raising tiny humans. It comes with so many ups and downs, including, insecurities about your parenting style. There is so much on the internet and from the mouths of people you know that makes you question yourself and your ability to parent. But we're here to tell you that if you're trying your best and you love the little tykes, then you are doing a perfect job. Don't let the h8trs get you dooown. It's the second month into 2024 and everyone is still alive, that's already something to pat yourself on the back for. If you're not going to praise yourself, let these relatable memes do it for you with some LOLs.