Micromanaging the wrong person turned this boss's day into a giant headache.
Some people are born leaders. Others are pushed into leadership positions with no idea what they're doing. They need to make it look like they know what they're doing, though, so they figure the best course of action is to start bossing their workers around.
What they don't realize is that many workers are already performing at the top of their game, and they're self-motivated, too. So when a manager steps in and starts looking at all their work with a magnifying glass, they're thrown off guard. That was certainly the case with u/SadowSon, an employee at an events department who did a lot of work on the tech side of the business. The OP writes that they not only did their job, but also helped out in other areas due to a weird organization style. At least they tried to help out, until their boss stepped in with some highly specific orders.
Check out this great malicious compliance story below. The OP also took to the comments section to add more details. Then, this woman found a little bit of damage to her lawn and flipped out, but that only made things 100% worse.
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