Every single person in the world had a package misdelivered at some point. It's a right of passage to adulthood, you simply can not argue with that. But, the question of who's at fault when that happens, and who is to blame, is a completely different issue. Well, 99% of the time it's the delivery company's fault, that is why people don't like them. But on some occasions, they actually do a decent job.
Like in this Reddit story, in which a post office worker had to deal not only with a Karen, but with a shopaholic Karen at that. The post office would deliver her 1 to 2 packages every single day while Karen would complain nonstop about her packages being misdelivered, simply because she never checks her mailbox. The final draw was when she screamed at a poor postmaster, which led to the post office worker deciding to altogether stop delivering to this Karen.
Scroll down for her reaction and the full story. Once you are done, click here for a story of a woman who had to confront her coworker because he kept eating his lunch at her desk.
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