I've spent some time in the hospital for a variety of reasons, and each time I was there, I met some really funny doctors and nurses whose sense of humor was elite.
See, when you end up in the ER, you witness some pretty funny things. Yes, that sentence could have gone a completely different way, but today, we're focusing on the most hilarious things that people have experienced when visiting the doctor. Whether they were in for the annual checkup, bronchitis, or even awaiting surgery… These doctors were there to take care of them, but also, to have a good time.
Scrolling through them, I found myself chuckling quite a bit, and then I realized it would be selfish of me to keep these little gems all to myself, so here I am, sharing them with you. Scroll down for the funniest statements made by doctors, and then check out this terrific taco stuffed with silly salsa and memes.