Becoming too good at your job can have surprising and sometimes unfortunate consequences. For instance, you might be the type of person who gets all your work done early. If your supervisors and managers start to notice, you're likely to be asked to take on more work for the same pay. Another example is if the team you're working on becomes entirely dependent on you, so much so that you could never get promoted or moved to a different department because then the entire functionality of the team would collapse. Then, there are situations like this one, in which an employee started to notice too many bugs in the new system at work and it began to annoy their manager.
This thread was posted to Reddit by u/DeepOceanLoner2090, who wound up getting fired by their insecure boss for being overly motivated. That's correct: that was the reason their boss gave. It was both shocking and unsurprising to know just how many people have had similar experiences. Keep scrolling below for the full story and for similar anecdotes from the comments section. When you're done, here is a post about an employee who was asked to work in person by a fully remote HR representative.
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