You apply to college, are accepted, graduate, and then you apply and land your ideal job. You have worked your entire life for this moment, and everything appears to be going smoothly, but everything changes when you meet your manager.
Everybody has had a horrible management experience once or twice in their life, and if we are being really honest with ourselves, the reason we quit our jobs was because we could not bear to be under such incompetent managers' control any longer.
The following story tells an account of an unhappy worker who, after seven years, has had enough. OP is a hard worker who advanced from intern to regional manager. However, things seemed to change when the founder stepped down and was replaced by a new CEO. Unlike the original founder, the new CEO didn't care about his clients or employees—he was only interested in increasing his profits. After events began to take shape, OP quit and secured a new job. The CEO did not accept OP's desire to move on and instead made an effort to make OP's life as uncomfortable as possible. What about a little revenge? Check out the story below if you're interested in seeing how OP got even with the entitled CEO! And when you're done, check out the story about a woman who demands a stranger share her ginger 'candies' with her kid!
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