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Listen, it's no secret that entitlement is a huge part of the human experience. To some extent, we all possess this trait - some more than others, of course, but we all have demands for certain rights and/or privileges based on our individual experiences. However, there exists a subset of individuals who take entitlement to a whole other level, displaying an audacity that surpasses the norms of any acceptable human behavior. Like, for example, proposing at someone else's wedding.
While conventional entitlement may manifest itself in people expecting special treatment, the audacity of proposing at another's wedding, especially after they have explicitly told you not to, goes beyond wedding etiquette and societal norms. Not only is this a blatant disregard for the sacredness of the special occasion but it also reveals an excessive sense of self-importance that overrides empathy and decent common courtesy.
Anyway… have a read for yourself and let us know your thoughts in the comments below!
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