Those who provide services to us: they're people too! In a post-Karen society, it would be nice to think that we all had an awareness of how to treat those in customer-facing roles with the respect they deserve, especially when the industries they work in are often overworked and underpaid.
Apparently, though, this all goes out the window when it comes to things like Instacart or DoorDash. Once those suckers find themselves doing gig work and have the misfortune of picking up our order, they have no choice but to be our servants in every way we see fit.
This is something that has generated yet more heated debate on Twitter, when one woman complained that her DoorDash driver wanted her to meet them outside her apartment building instead of dropping the food at her door.
Some of the replies were incensed at this 'unprofessional' behavior, while others wondered what this customer's problem was. While it's true that some people might require the extra help she was requesting, they probably shouldn't have to rely on paying apps to deliver it.