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Construction Site has the Most Adorable Break-In with a Sloth Bandit as the Culprit


Bri and Andrew live on a remote island in Panama called Bocas del Toro. They were working on a construction site, setting up a new structure when they noticed something peculiar. You see, the night before they had accidentally left a window open. And when you live in a remote area with lots of wildlife, an open window is basically an invitation for all.

They walked in, looked up, and found the cutest home invader. 



An adorable sleepy little sloth! He was very comfortable and ready to move in for good. But the TikToker noticed he was already balled up in masking tape and hanging dangerously close to some construction tools. So they decided they needed to get him down asap. 

They tried offering him a branch to climb down on or a stick, but he was not budging. Finally, a man went up a ladder with a towel and wrapped it around the cutie bandit. He did not want to let go of the house column he was clang to, but eventually did. They took him outside, removed as much tape as they could without hurting him (it's masking tape, so most of it should just disintegrate off), and then took him to a tree where they set him free. 

But before leaving for good, he made sure to turn around and give a thankful wave goodbye to his compassionate rescuers. 


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