Sometimes the pressures of life can feel utterly overwhelming and can leave us with the feeling that we are incapable of seeking out our own bliss or at the very least incapable of letting go of our stresses. But nothing could be further from the truth, you just need to find an outlet. Which is why we have put together a list that will have you waddling your way into the weekend, a list full of hilarious and wholesome duck memes that will help you shake off those stresses like water off a duck's back.
From instructional posters about how to engage in duck positivity, to ducks inspiring aspiration amongst men, to simply the cutest duckies that have fallen asleep on their hooman's calculator, to the influencer quacks living their best lives posting selfies. We are stuffed full of funny feathery duck memes that are sure to lift your mood and ease your stresses as you confidently waddle your way to the weekend.
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Now this is exactly what we are talking about. All you have to do is focus on the ducks coming up in this wholesome list and you will be able to easily neglect and forget your obligations as you fly free like a duck into the weekend. Now get to waddling!
Sometimes being cool is being kind, in fact that is always the case. And there is absolutely no denying that his dad is most certainly on the cool spectrum for having cared for his dear duck for so many years. He has been bold enough to buck convention and show mercy to an animal that is often mistreated and eaten when its life is deemed to be over. But not this man.
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