Welcome back to your daily dose of cat memes. We know it's Caturday, the weekend is half over, and you're not ready to go back to the commute, the traffic, your desk mate's coffee breath, or the receptionist's dust allergy (just take an antihistamine, please!). Don't worry too soon though. We'll help you get through all of it for Monday morning…there's still some time to get out the giggles that will keep you going through that dry and dreary meeting about proper dress code. Next time you feel lothesome, grumpy, or foul about being at work, just remember these silly cat memes. They're sure to put a smile on your face with their wholesome hiss-terical humor.
And if it's not enough then you have all of Sunday to keep the laughter coming! When someone asks you what you did this weekend, you can politely reply, "Medicating." You're not wrong.
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We can all relate to this…on either side. Nothing like being drunk when someone's sober, or being the sober one when someone's drunk. Which is more fun? The photo says it's more fun for the girl to be drunk, so drink up girlies!
Seriously, Stephanie? He's a doctor. Yes, the patient is experiencing muscle pain, nausea, vomiting, and body aches. Nothing a little catnip and glass of milk can't handle. And if you think you know better why don't you put on the stethoscope?
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