- 01
"grandma is the best"
This can also and much more deliciously applied to when your bosses boss tells your boss to leave you alone, then you can spend the rest of the week, or if you are lucky, a month, with this big wide grin smudged across your face as you do what you want, when you want and how you want at work.
- 02
"the stick of my dog won't fit in there"
- 03
"the dad who don't want a dog"
- 04
"very weird.."
If you do happen to be in the office today we would thoroughly recommend taking this approach to get yourself through the day. Be that weird annoying coworker who distracts everyone from their work, when else in the year are you going to have the opportunity and justification. Tis the season afterall…
- 05
- 06
- 07
"my dog is a must!"
- 08
- 09
"Pure bread indeed!"
- 10
"He's a VIKING"
- 11
"looks tuff"
- 12
"Cool doggo"
- 13
"dog always react"
- 14
- 15
- 16
"me after work:"
- 17
"Real Life Scooby Doo"
- 18
"lil pup looks cutee"
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