Guidance counselors are supposed to help you figure out your future, not hinder you. It seems like so often, guidance counselors just make things more difficult for their students. U/TacoJesusJr knows that firsthand, and they shared their experience in a post to r/MaliciousCompliance.
Gym class is a polarizing thing. A lot of kids really dislike it, especially when you have gym class during first period. You find yourself kicking a soccer ball around in the dewy grass at 8 in the morning and think to yourself, "Why do bad things happen to good people?" However, a lot of kids enjoy the chance to let off some steam during that same soccer game, and it can even help them focus in class after burning off all that energy. Like it or not, having gym classes are a good idea, and exercise is important. The OP of this story would fall into the first category of kids: they disliked gym class so much that they kept failing it.
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Read all about this smart teen's plan to get back at the people holding them back. Then, read about these chefs and waiters who shared the funniest things they've ever heard someone say in their restaurants' kitchen.
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