Fresh-faced college kids are willing to put up with a lot in the workplace. Desperate to find that shiny job they were promised would pay off their student loans within the year, they'll usually start with a scrutinous eye for the golden entry-level job of their dreams. Quickly, they realize it's harder than it seems to find a half-decent job. After the weight of the world settles upon their shoulders, they'll take whatever scrappy position they can find, even if that means putting up with coffee runs, undermining managers, and minimum wage pay.
Welcome to the workforce, kid!
In our next story, a guy has deja vu after decades of climbing the corporate ladder. After being approached by a recruiter and getting excited about a new prospect, OP was flabbergasted that he was being recruited by the job he first accepted as a college graduate– a toxic company with an even more awful employee roster.
Scroll for the ironic tale of rewarded success, where a man finally wields the power of denial, gladly denying $150,000 a year to avoid a terrible job.
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