Company holiday parties can be SO amazing if you work in a healthy environment. When your coworkers are petty, managers entitled, and HR useless, then holiday work parties can turn out to actually be a huge source of anxiety. Take this recent employee who came to vent on Reddit. She was having a normal day at work until she stepped out to refill her water bottle and came back to an empty office. She looked around and found only one manager still there. She asked what was going on and the manager said she was too busy to go to the holiday party. Her deer-in-headlights look made it clear that OP was not invited. She always knew the manager who was throwing the party didn't like her, but she never knew why. Plus, they are both in their 50s and she figured they would act like adults towards each other. Instead, she gets thrust into this position that makes her feel like she's getting bullied in grade school all over again. And the way HR reacts when she sheepishly goes to them to convey her feelings about the situation is even more annoying. Why are work holiday parties like this??
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