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'You're not allowed to help your coworkers': Boss gets fired for forbidding teamwork

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    You're not allowed to help your co- workers.. Okay no problem! OC M So I started a new job about two years ago & finally found a job I'm naturally good at which has been amazing as my performance have been top notch, no disciplinary actions and even a few awards. So I started helping out my fellow co-workers when they were struggling & especially helping out the newbies who just got off training. Which is garbage generic training for 3 weeks which has literally nothing to do with our sector & we
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    So I wanted to be a good team player now that I finally felt like I knew what I was doing, apparently that was a mistake on my part. After 3 months of helping my team I was called into a meeting with our coach to discuss my "behaviour." And I was told that I was not allowed to help my co-workers because I am not trained in that field, and only the higher ups are supposed answer questions & make decisions within our job. Which would be fine and understandable if the coach was available for the en
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    8h shift to answer questions and help people, which they are not. I pointed this out along with some statistics that since I started helping out answering questions our performance has gone up each month & it helps the newbies feel welcomed as they have a non superior they can ask stupid questions too without worry.
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    Another mistake on my part, our coach got really really angry and I was basically told that this is how it is, and if I'm caught giving "UNSANCTIONED HELP" again I will receive disciplinary action. Okay fine, have it your way then you sad pathetic excuse of a human. I screenshotted the conversation, dug up performance reports prior to me helping, during me helping & for the next 3 months without me helping. And wow shocker we started tanking in our performance! Gasp how could this have happened?
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    So the entire team got called into a big meeting with the higher higher ups, our manager and coach to discuss is going on and why we're doing so I let everyone speak and say their piece and at the end of the meeting I just asked if I could have 5 minutes of one of the big chiefs time as I think I might have a solution to help improve our performance! And he was actually surprisingly interested so he called me up after the meeting to hear me out & I told him about the whole situation, showed scre
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    My dude was visibly shook, a bit lost for words tbh, but said he really appreciated the input and would look into fixing this 'internally' and that was that! 3 days later our coach 'resigned in search for greener pastures' hahahahahahahahahahahah Hahahahahahahah Hahahahahaha HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Fk you. TL;DR: Coach couldn't let thier ego go and didn't allow me to help our team because I wasnt trained to help, our performance tanked and they got sacked within 3 days of me speaking up.
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    raptorbluez - 12 hr. ago It is amazing how clueless management can be. I worked a field job (before mobile data was available) where we had to call into an 800 number after onsite service to log our time. The company started cutting back on the people in the call center to save money. Those attempts to save money ended up costing the company a massive amount with 300 people in the field sitting on our thumbs for hours at time waiting to log our service calls. One of the service directors visited
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    Mr. Director, how many call center reps do you think that would that be enough to hire? A couple? It was like someone lit a light bulb over his head. He walked away and 3 weeks later we heard he had started his own initiative to hire additional call center workers. It came as no surprise in the coming months when our hold times went back down to a few minutes per call.
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    BumpyMcBumpers - 12 hr. ago Imagine being the new guy and asking someone next to you if you're doing something right. They just say, "I'm not allowed to tell you. Good luck!" Reply Share Report Save Follow Vote ThaFlump OP 11 hr. ago That's pretty much what I had to do "Sorry I'm not allowed to provide solutions, you have to ask the coach" "But he's in a meeting for the next 3 hours" "Yeah I know" shrug Genuinely felt bad at the time but we got a new coach and extra help was always appreciated,
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    lynn - 11 hr. ago I worked at a restaurant with another server who was the sweetest person and a great server. Whenever she had downtime she'd be running out food, helping out the other servers just like we were told to do but like, all the time. She never stopped. Apparently at her last job she had done the same thing, but management told her not to help the other servers. They actually fired her over it. So she asked for it in writing and they gave it to her. She promptly took it to the restau
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    SanctumofShred - 12 hr. ago The coach didn't want you to help because your success, as a team player, invalidated the need for his position. He wanted to keep the status quo but not put in the hours. Old idiot didn't consider that going "Average" -> Great -> Back to Average would be noticed and need an explanation.


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