- 01
"Surprise surprise"
It does not get much more sublime than this. If you are not a feline pawrent then you may be unaware of the existential crisis feline pawrents go through every time they buy their kitten a present. 9 times out of 10 it never be touched and you wasted your money yet again. However, in this case it is safe to say that this family will be having a very merry xmas.
- 02
- 03
"Jus a shrimpie"
Now, this is pawsibly the most dangerous creature in the feline world. The orange shrimp looks incredibly cute and has the fluff to match, yet what lies underneath is a vicious biting machine that does not discriminate nor plan their attacks. Pet with extreme caution and vigilance, and very thick gloves.
- 04
"Jus pretend"
- 05
"Oh 2 b a catto and not a hooman"
- 06
- 07
"She should b proud!"
- 08
"Somebody 2 luv me"
- 09
"Comment wen u get it"
- 10
"Gotz 2 keep her toesies warm"
- 11
"Compromise iz güd"
- 12
"All of em"
- 13
- 14
"Long time no care"
- 15
- 16
"Always a mood"
- 17
- 18
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