In the corporate world, there's always a hierarchy. As the lowly pleebs that waltz through the front door every morning clocking 40+ hours every week, it's safe to say that we don't have too much clout in the corporate ranking system. Unless you're a good-haired CEO with shiny shoes and an entire team devoted to acting as your personal away-message, you're most likely falling at the lower end of the totem pole of company power.
However, it's those ladder-climbers somewhere in the middle that sometimes need a reality check. The golden boys at the tip-top have always known the feeling of power, but that middle management team just recently came into their big, decision-making pants and they've got a superiority complex to answer to!
In our next story, a tech support crew member brought a snarky middle manager down a few pegs after reminding him who the big boss is… the CEO. Scroll to enjoy this satisfying tale, where a lowly pleeb like us gets brought up to the big leagues for a play.