Christmasssssssss is coming up, and I am per usual, per every year, per every decade, STRESSED. Running about to find gifts, gahhh, it's absolutely exhausting and my family is never happy with what I get them anyway, but it's not like I have a choice, because they would be way more offended if I didn't get them anything at all. So, you win some, you lose some.
Now that I am done with my short holiday rant, let's get on to the unpopular opinions. Every so often, I make a point to post the most relatable (or outrageous) unpopular opinions that I scour Reddit for. Basically, people who are fed up with certain things take to r/unpopularopinions and type out their frustrations with the world. Oftentimes, I disagree with what is being written, and I just label them whiny little insert a word here.
Other times, I kind of agree. Scroll down and be the judge. Then, check out these petty roommates who tried to drive their housemate out, but failed miserably and got what they deserved instead.
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