- 01
"The cutest Christmas tree!"
If you can look at this cute Christmas themed corgi and not begin to feel the Monday magic flow over you, then we have a lot more work to do than we thought. But just in case give it a good look, look deep into the corgi's eyes, observe the sweet smile and see how you feel then.
- 02
"SO CUTE!!!"
- 03
"Meet Frank and Jim, they’re on a super secret mission trying to catch every dog owner that breaks one treat into two!"
- 04
"When the apartment says “no pets allowed”!"
You might be wondering what this wrapped up corgi has to do with xmas and we will tell you. This cute corgi is the embodiment of just how cute and heartwarming a Christmas present should be. Such that no matter what you buy it needs to have the sentiment and wholesomeness of a corgi surrounded by soft teddy bears. Good luck…
- 05
"“To loaf” is always the right choice!"
- 06
"Same vibe as “fluffy, the destroyer of worlds!”
- 07
"Very dangerous!"
- 08
"Mood! "
- 09
"This is so true!"
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"Expecto patronum!"
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"Oh no!"
- 13
"Send this to someone!"
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"Upside down naps are the best naps!"
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"And what’s a corgi’s favourite breakfast? A loaf of course!"
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"Does your corgi like rain? Mine doesn’t"
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