Good morning, afternoon, or evening, Tolkien-heads. You know what time it is by now. Yes, it's time for us to dive head first into another batch of memes dedicated to all things Lord of the Rings (and maybe The Hobbit, if you're nasty).
In a couple of weeks' time, it'll be the 20 year anniversary of The Return of the King being released and the memes are flowing as bounteously as they ever were. That's no mean feat, and it's all thanks to one of the most dedicated fandoms on the internet. With lore this rich, who needs it to be added to for the creation of even more funny internet pictures?
So, gather round honorary Shire inhabitants and general Tolkien nerds. Your peers have delivered just as well as they usually do. One of these days they might start to run out of ideas, but today is not that day.