Usually once you've worked in the service industry, you learn how to be a good customer. Oftentimes, you'll learn how to respect your server, clean up after yourself, and generally be a half-decent human being while you're enjoying food at a restaurant. You'd think that it would be a natural reflex to be polite to the person handling your food supply, but for the disrespectful types, tormenting your server is a prize-winning sport.
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Karens and teenagers are usually the worst offenders when it comes to berating their food service employees. Whether they find pleasure in causing misery for someone just trying to do their job or they simply enjoy acting like messy toddlers, teenagers act like the world exists only for their gain. In our next story, a fast food employee decided to teach a band of hooligans a lesson about respect that they'll certainly never forget. Scroll for the entire story of mischief and payback that undoubtedly led to some sort of parental punishment at home.
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