No good deed goes unpunished, especially in the workplace. If you are an extremely competent worker who goes above and beyond for your company, it is rare that you will be rewarded for it. You might be rewarded with verbal praise or affirmations of your value, but that won't translate into any material benefits or a better title. Despite what they may say, upper management isn't particularly invested in seeing their most promising employees rise the ranks of the company. They want them to stay where they are, do the work of two or more people, not get more money, and be happy about it. It's rare that a boss or employer will say outright that they want to bog their employee down because they do much more work as a workhorse than they would in management. One worker shared his story on Reddit about being explicitly kept out of a management position he'd be perfect for because he's "too good at what he's doing now." It sounds like it's time to send out some applications to Greener Pastures INC.