People claim to have "unpopular opinions" all the time, but just because you say an opinion is unpopular doesn't make it so. One of my unpopular opinions is that, barring an actual emergency, people should not be more than 5 minutes late for anything. Most of y'all probably find that unreasonable, and it likely is, but that's why it's an unpopular opinion! I'm obviously not going to yell at my friend if they show up ten minutes late to the AMC, but I can still believe in my heart of hearts that they probably could've planned their commute better.
Unpopular opinions aren't things like "we shouldn't have to pay so much to be alive" or "tea is better than coffee." Those are milquetoast and boring. Unpopular opinions should alienate people and change the trajectory of your relationships. If you want to see some unpopular opinions you agree with, disagree with, or feel ambivalent about, take a scroll down this page.