While there are a lot of people with vested interests who don't want us to know this, there are a lot of jobs that don't really require the classic five day, nine to five work week. If the explosion of remote working in this decade has taught us anything, it's that most office roles are easily done on a far looser schedule. Unfortunately, many bosses are simply not willing to entertain this idea — even when it directly benefits them. For some, keeping up appearances is far more important.
This is an inconvenience that one Redditor faced in a former job. As IT support, they were expected to work callouts as well as their regular hours and they had agreed to do that in lieu, instead of charging overtime. This worked out fine until a day's worth of callout work on the weekend led them to take shorter days in the office the following week. When the boss claimed that taking this lieu time was confusing their coworkers, it was obvious what had to be done. Not everyone in a company can work to the same schedule.