Credit cards are insanely convenient. Nowadays, you don't even need to swipe your card to pay, you can just whip that little bad boy out, tap your plastic money on the terminal, and BAM, you've made a purchase. Old school folks have reluctantly accepted that everyone prefers to pay with plastic money, idealizing the old ways of counting cash and receiving change in exchange for goods or services. But with all that spare change jangling around in your pocket, wouldn't you rather embrace the future and pick up a trusty rectangular bank account that only takes up a 2"x3" surface area in your wallet? Obviously there are other nuisances in the cash versus card world, like small businesses getting charged to run credit transactions, but for most of the world, we're happy to pay $0.15 on a transaction in order to avoid having cash bills and coins in our care.
In this story, a cashier at a small restaurant was taught a quick lesson in the costs and benefits of cash payments. After months of accosting regulars for using their credit cards (and accepting the fee included), one patron decided that he would teach this young cashier about the inconveniences of cash. Scroll onward for the metallic revenge of a restaurant pirate, unloading his treasures to pay for a sandwich. Next up, check out this story of a Karen who stalks her old house after selling it, pushing the new residents to their limit.
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