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'Say hello to Spamantha': Kids on family vacation spot stray piglet in the middle of the road, family adopts her and takes her home


One thin about parenthood is having to be the deciding factor on decisions, because a kid is mostly like going to pick the most fun and whimsical option, but also probably the dumbest most dangerous option. So as an adult, you sometimes have to be the downer and say, “no, don't go pet that bear cub, it's mom is probably around and read to eat you up in one bite.” 

However, sometimes those decisions of your children and your own line up and when that happens it is magical! This is exactly what happen to one family during their vaction. They had just visited the Spam museum a couple days prior and were having a great family vacation. While they were driving down a road in the middle of nowhere, their kids spot something. Right there looking sad, was a tiny piglet.

The poor baby would not have survived being left out there on her own, so the parents pulled over and agreed with their children that yes, they should go rescue that baby pig. So the dad pulled over, got out of the car, and picked up a tiny piglet looking sick and sad. The named her Spamantha for obvious reasons and they brought her along for the rest of their vacation. They nursed her back to health and then brought her home. And now Spamantha is living her best life as officially part of the family

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  • u/brebridges

    Meet Spamantha:

    “If you were driving i90 in South Dakota & lost a piglet out of your truck/trailer a few days ago….we found her. Barley alive. She is badly bruised & cut up but has slept for the last 2 days and is now eating & thriving!”




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