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Daughter Blames Mom for 'Ruined Teeth' After Years of Begging for Braces


“AITA For not getting my daughter braces?” Posted by u/Proof-Display-2218

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    “Hijacking the top comment to tell my story:" said u/Susannah_Mio_, "I am the same as the daughter in this post is. For my parents getting me braces and going to appointments every 2 - 4 weeks was just too much hassle and costs. My teeth are crooked af but there is no medical reason to get braces. It just looks ugly as hell. I asked them for braces over and over but they said no and I was on their insurance ofc so when I was 15, 16, 17 I could still not start the treatment without them agreeing. As soon as I turned 18 I went to a specialist to ask about braces. They listed estimated costs and it was close to 10k. Money I did not have since I had to put myself through university working 2 jobs next to my classes to just pay my bills. Insurance will not cover any braces treatment that aren't medically necessary for adults. At some point I made peace with the way my teeth look but I never smile with my lips open and I adopted the habit of not showing too much of my teeth when I speak. I still have crooked teeth and I still resent my parents for it. YTA big time and you better fully pay for your daughters braces.”

    While most commenters agreed that OP was the a-hole, not everyone was on the same page. 


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