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'He's sitting so politely': Going from mud-phibian to shiny green orb, charming frog gets a luxurious bath from his owner


When you think of an exotic pet, the first animal you might imagine would be some giant yellow snake or a peacock on someone's shoulder or a tiger at the foot of the bed. Exotics usually get the reputation of being hefty, shining, glorious beasts, but in reality, exotic pets are usually the most fragile, soft-bellied good bois imaginable. Take Sprout for instance. 


This glowing green orb is named after a brussel sprout, since he mimics the color and shape perfectly. Sprout is a pacman frog and is considered a very popular exotic pet. Although he has the title of ‘exotic’ largely because he's a tropical amphibian and requires special care, he really doesn't fit the standard regal profile. In fact, Sprout could be the least graceful critter on the planet. And it his latest, most viral video, he's shown being the baby he truly is by accepting (and loving) a luxurious bath. 

  • Just look at how filthy this wrinkled sack is! Apparently frogs require special water treatments so that they don't absorb dangerous chemicals from our tap water, so his owner first drips solution into a small well in the bathroom sink so that Sprout is extra safe. Afterwards, Sprout is brought to the table (so to speak) and plopped in his very own personal pond. His owner can't simply scrub him because of his thin waify skin, so she gives him a thorough rinse first. 

    Then a smol pat. 

    It's clear that this green orb boi is coming out better than he went in. 

    Adorable as ever, Sprout shines with the glory of his new silky skin. No longer burdened by the poridge-like mix of mud and debris from his tank, he's smooth like a glazed donut. Just the way nature intended. Sprout requires a wee little bath at least once a week to keep his glorious green warts in tact. To maintain his plumpish figure, he eats about a million wormies every day and needs to be hand fed. As a failed hunter in the wild, it's a miracle these guys survive out there. 

    Regardless of his less-than-illustrious status, Sprout is an excellent exotic pet. He may not have the prestige of a full-grown panther, but he certainly has a lot of spunk. 

    Orb boi gets a bath


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