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Sweetest Dog Completely Covered in Ticks Emerges from the Woods, Rescuers Give Him an Amazing Transformation


Some people make it their life's work to rescue the innocent, this can often times mean animals. There are tons of animals rescues out there all working their hardest, but sometimes it doesn't feel like there is enough time in the day to do the work that needs to get done to help these sweet fur babies

Recently, a rescue called Hank's Rescue came across the sweets pup abandoned in the woods. They were given a call about a dog seen roaming around, so they went out looking for him. Finally, they were by a little bump in the ground and see a big ole noggin pop up looking so happy and sad at the same time. The dog, that they have now named Arthur, looked frightened, but also happy to see them. His face was completely covered in ticks, but he still approached them with his tail wagging. He was the sweetest. 

Sometimes, while rescuing animals, they will not be so sweet in the beginning, understandably so, because who knows what happened to them while they were all alone in the world. But Arthur was instantly a cuddle bug love monster. 

Part 1: the rescue

  • u/hanksrescue

    They took Arthur immediately to the vet where they removed all the ticks and the instant relief on his face is so heartwarming. They gave him a bath and a nice doggy bed, and now all he wants to do is give them kisses and cuddles. It seemed like Arthur knew they were there to help him and help him they did indeed. See more of his amazing rescue and transformation below! 

    Part 2: update

    Part 3: comments & questions

    Part 4: donate


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