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Dog Goes Viral for Teaching Himself How to Play Peek-a-Boo with Owner Through the Window


There are many dog breeds known for their intelligence and love for learning. Cane Corsos are one of those breeds known for being very intelligent. They are also fiercely loyal and often used as protection dogs. The Cane Corso that is currently going viral on TikTok right now, however, is not trending for being fierce, but for being adorably smart.  

It seems it all started when his dog dad started playing peek-a-boo with him through the window. The dad kept popping up and down outside through the window and playing with the pup. At first the big dog just watched, letting it all soak in. He was like that meme with all the mathematical equations popping up around his head as he tried to figure out what his dad was doing. 

All of a sudden, it must have all made sense to the sweet pup, and he started playing peek-a-boo back. So when his dad's head would pop back up, his doggy head would go down and then when he'd pop back up with a tippy tap of his paws, his dad would go back down. They did this back and forth for a while and man have dog lovers on TikTok been going wild for it. 

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