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'If you fire me, I will call the labor board': Manager Tries to Trick Employee Into Attending Unpaid 3-Hr “Mandatory” Meeting, Employee Schools Him on Labor Laws


Workin in the service industry is chaotic to say the least. It doesn't matter if you're the serve or the GM, you most definitely have a story from work that might seem absolutely bonkers to anybody who has never worked in the service industry before. One woman shared the time her manager tried to threaten firing her when she was sticking to her rights. 

He asked her two nights prior, to attend a 3-hr meeting on Tuesday morning. Since it was such short notice she quickly let him know that she had prior engagements, so she couldn't attend. He told her that she had to attend because it was a mandatory meeting. Though annoyed, she agreed, but she let him know that she had already worked 39 hours that week, so two of the hours during that meeting she will be getting paid overtime. That is when he tried to run a fast one by her. 

He told her that since they were “not working” during the meeting, that nobody would be getting paid during those 3-hrs. The manager must have though he got her now, but oh no. Service industry staff already has to go through so much just doing their job, do you really think they're not going to know they're own rights??

  • u/.hannahbrown

    The employee made sure her manager new exactly what he was doing. She told him that since they will not being paying the employees for the meeting, then by law, he cannot make this meeting mandatory. And since it was not mandatory and she was told about it such last minute she will not be attending the meeting. The manager did was managers do and threatened her with getting fired. 

    She politely reminded her manager who jobs work and that she gives him her time and skills and he gives her money. If there was going to no money, then she was not going to waste her time. And if he actually tried to fire her, she would have to report him to the labor board because that is extremely illegal. Nothing like threatening an employee was getting fired, and then threatening the manager back with unlawful firing that really inspires you to work your wage. 

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