Animals are cute. That's a fact. But you know what's even cuter? When you mix two animal species together to get a whole new kind of animal. Here are 12 new animal species that we think are adorable and should be created (so if you're listening, god, we want a elephoo next please). If you're after more funny animal photos, have a look at these owls walking determinedly.
The pandaguin is a gentle creature that reaches up to five feet tall. Its diet consists of bamboo and fish, and it lives close to the coast in tropical countries. The pandaguin lays eggs containing young pandaguin, and they mate for life. They also like to roll around.
The horsilla is a strong and fast animal. With strong forearms that help it swing from trees, the animal can run up to 60 miles per hour. It primarily eats grass and hay, and has a distinctive whinny. It beats its chest and rears up on its hind legs whne threatened, but they are generally peaceful creatures.
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